High School Classes
Spanish I
Classes Meet: Tuesdays (Period 3)
Grades: High School
Grade Level: 9-10
Prerequisites: None
Length: 32 Weeks
Tutor: Pam Brant
Grades: High School
Grade Level: 9-10
Prerequisites: None
Length: 32 Weeks
Tutor: Pam Brant
This is the introductory level course to lay an excellent foundation in Spanish:
Students will learn vocabulary, verb conjugation, proper pronunciation, proper sentence construction, as well as translation of written and oral Spanish. Bible verse memorization is also an important part of the course.
Textbook and Other Materials:
deposit required).
Students will learn vocabulary, verb conjugation, proper pronunciation, proper sentence construction, as well as translation of written and oral Spanish. Bible verse memorization is also an important part of the course.
Textbook and Other Materials:
- Bob Jones Spanish I Student Text (2nd ed.) (270892)
deposit required).
- Spanish to English/English to Spanish Dictionary
- 1 inch binder, dividers, notebook paper and note cards